Walmart Spark Mileage Tracker App

Unleash your independence with automatic trip tracking, expense logging and more.  

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Walmart Spark Mileage Tracking

Designed for Spark Drivers

Get your first 7 days free

Use our award winning mileage tracking and logging app for free, or upgrade to Premium to find even more deductions

Deduct business expenses effortlessly

Track your business miles and expenses like your phone bill or other potential tax deductions.

Keep more of your hard-earned cash

The typical Everlance user increases their take-home pay by 15%. Premium users find over 2x the deductions.

Everlance's Mileage Tracking

Everlance expense tracking app

Trusted by over 3 million drivers

Go for a drive

Claim as work or personal

Download your trips and expenses anytime

Track your miles and expenses automatically
Get Started for Free
a young woman with long brown hair smiling

“Amazing and effortless!
Automatic logging means drivers can do their job without worrying about losing out on hard earned tax deductions and mileage reimbursement."

iOS customer, Christina Pelloni


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