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If your employees are required to drive frequently on the job, you want to be assured that they won't be breaking traffic laws or getting into accidents. Wouldn't it be nice if you had some documentation like a DMV report providing evidence that an employee is a safe driver?

Good news: You can get your hands on just that in the form of a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Report. Read on to learn more about what’s included in an MVR record and how to access one. 

What is a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR)?

You can easily view an employee’s driving history on an MVR. Licenses can only provide basic information like a driver’s legal name, gender, address, date of birth, and height. Meanwhile, a Motor Vehicle Report goes into more depth with its data.

An MVR details driver safety over a period of at least three years, with some states covering for as long as seven years. If a driver has had their license revoked or suspended during this timeframe, it would be indicated on their MVR. Furthermore, an MVR also lists any moving violations such as speeding, DUIs, and accident rates.

How to obtain a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR)?

If you want to require current or future employees to provide Motor Vehicle Record Reports, they have a few different options on how they can obtain one.

A driver can request a DMV Motor Vehicle Report either in person or by mail. While a DMV MVR provides the most accurate and up-to-date information, as well as only costing around $10, it does take the longest to process, so it should be ordered as early as possible.

Drivers can also go to car insurance companies for an MVR. However, some agencies will only be able to offer unofficial reports, so be sure to check with the employee before they order an MVR via these means to ensure that the report they get will be adequate.

Lastly, in a pinch, it is possible to order an MVR online and receive results within hours. However, be warned that these reports tend to be the most expensive, and as reports from insurance agents, they may not always be official.

What other documentation should my business be using?

Motor Vehicle Reports can tell you a lot about how safely your employees are driving, but they are not all-inclusive. There is information not listed on an MVR that you should consider when assessing an employee's driving performance.

For one thing, an MVR won’t tell you anything about an employee’s criminal history in cases where driving is not involved. If a driver has stolen something or committed a violent crime, you won’t be able to find that information on their MVR; you’ll need to run a criminal background check to validate their reliability. Nonmoving violations such as parking tickets are also not listed on an MVR.

It is additionally worth noting that MVRs provide information on drivers themselves, not their vehicles. If an employee needs to use their personal vehicle for work, you’ll need to make sure they provide yearly motor vehicle inspection reports to ensure that their car isn’t at risk of breaking down on the clock.

Finally, it's essential to be aware of how much your employees are costing the company in vehicle expenses and gas to make sure you get adequately reimbursed come tax time. To keep on top of that information, accurate mileage tracking is key. If you want organized, easily readable mileage logs right at your fingertips, Everlance has you covered. Try our top-rated company mileage reimbursement app today!

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