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The vision

Our users have always been essential to what and how we build mileage tools. Everlance’s vision is to empower mobile workers wherever their work takes them. Over 1M people use Everlance to simplify their mileage and drive their financial lives forward.

As our user base has evolved, so have the tools we’ve built and offered. 

“We founded Everlance to empower mobile workers. We started by empowering them individually. However, we noticed that a sizable portion of the individuals using our app were employees who report their mileage and expenses to their managers. We discovered that we could support these mobile workers at a much larger scale if we offered a solution for organizations.”

Alex Marlantes

CEO & Co-Founder, Everlance

With this insight, the impetus for Everlance Business was born. The team knew that we had a robust mileage log app and enjoyable user experience on hand, but now we needed to learn more about leveraging these strengths for organizations.

Building a simple, delightful, and productive solution 

We wanted Everlance Business to be the integrated platform that brings together your team, the right information, and intelligent tools to simplify business mileage. 

“The workflow for organizational reimbursement differs from self-employed people in several key ways. When scoping this project, we considered the new ways to share information within the platform. One of these is a reporting flow. We had to control the flow of information from the individual to the manager to the admin while always putting the privacy of the individual at the forefront.”

Gabriel Garza
CTO & Co-Founder, Everlance

Once the product team built these functionalities, we launched Everlance for Teams to test out the new platform, gather learnings, and iterate on the product. 

Crafting an enjoyable mileage process, from onboarding and beyond

As we partnered with more teams, it became clear that we were meeting a strong need. Organizations came to us with limited time and resources to fix a significant pain: business mileage. They had too many reports to track down and justify—and their accounts payable departments were spending far too much time on this task.

For many teams, a new enterprise technology can be a hard sell. However, administrators were drawn to the cost and time savings that digitizing mileage promised. 

“We’ve helped customers navigate new technology and adopt a more streamlined and accurate approach to mileage tracking and reimbursements. Plus, many customers are always happy to share their insights with us to help us continue to improve the product, which is really a win for everyone!”

Stephanie PicoStark

Customer Success Manager, Everlance

With these insights, like reimbursement knowledge deficits and critical pain points facing mobile teams, we continued to hone the product. 

The challenge 

As we built relationships with our early business customers, we also learned more about the unique needs and pain points of each organization. 

From these conversations, we realized how unique mileage and expenses are at each organization. Some organizations want high visibility into their team’s expenses, while others want a platform that will simplify and cut time spent on approving reports. Smaller organizations might have a simple workflow; however, larger organizations require more complex approval workflows. Armed with this information, we set to work building a highly customizable reporting flow.

From the types of mobile workforces out there to the ways in which mileage was reimbursed, we realized that a one-size-fits-most approach was not good enough.

The key insight

Faced with the challenge of no standard use case, we dove into our user research. We emerged with a key insight that promised to be high leverage: customizable automation features. In order for the platform to remain useful, it had to seamlessly speak the language of each organization.

The product team leveraged this insight to hone powerful automation features, such as Favorite Places and Approval Workflows. Favorite Places allows teams to give a name to common locations, so reports are labeled with a name (e.g., Warehouse 2) versus a full address (1234 Broadway Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94016). Approval Workflows allows teams to set up simple or complex reporting flows, so employees could get paid faster and managers didn’t have to waste time tracking down individual reports.

This insight enabled us to extend our partnership with every customer beyond our robust Customer Success and Support teams and into the product itself. 

The product launch

After a year of learning and development, we officially launched our enterprise solution: Everlance Business. Out of the box, Everlance Business allows for customizable features and powerful automation. We’ve been excited to see so many new customers sign up and simplify their mileage and expense management.

Meet Everlance Business

Connect with your team, batch approve reports, and more. With the ease of use our consumers know and love, this integrated platform will save your company time and money. In addition, our best-in-class Customer Success and Support teams partner with every customer to build workflows that streamline your work and automate tedious tasks.

Since launching, we’ve continued to learn and iterate on Everlance Business. The product team is currently at work creating features that allow for further customization of the platform, so it works for as many use cases as possible. Stay tuned!

Who uses Everlance Business?

Today, we’re proud to say that our amazing customers include beverage distributors, property management companies, community organizations, and more. 

We’re proud to serve teams all over the country and across industries. 

Interested in our customers’ stories? 

We talked with Hoffman Beverage and Catholic Charities West MI to learn more about how they improved their mileage processes with Everlance Business.

  1. How does Everlance work?